Checks Over Strikes
Brand Strategy, Identity, Aesthetic, Website & Online Course
"Checks in your name, no strikes against it".
Checks over strikes is a financial planning and lifestyle brand for marginalized youth within disadvantaged communities.
When presented with the opportunity to work with a client with such a virtuous objective, it's not in our nature to say no. Checks Over Strikes' mission of providing the less fortunate in gaining the tools and knowledge for the right to success through educational content into the world of financial responsibility is something we wished we had as kids. Their online course is the first step into shaping a better future for yourself, your kids, and your community.
The logo for this brand represents a check, the over symbol, and half of an X. The name itself is represented in the logomark. For the brand identity we knew we needed something modern and cool to appeal to a younger audience. Inspired by the empowering aesthetics of athletics brands like Nike, the checks over strikes brand works perfectly for merchandising and lifestyle.